Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Project progress update

Our project is going pretty good. We went to Northwestern a couple of weeks ago to talk to a few people about what needs to be done to the nature trail and why. We are also trying to set up a few plans to try and raise a bit of money for the project and we also want to try and get some places to donate some supplies to our cause. All in all I would say that our project is doing very well and is headed in the right direction.

Project Update

Our project, The nature Trail project, is going along pretty smoothly. We have set a date to start cleaning up the nature trail. We have decided to clean up the trail on November 8. I would say that our project is pretty much close to being completed. We just have a few final touches to add to it in order for it to really be complete.

Biobottle update

My Bio bottle is doing pretty good all in all. I placed a goldfish inside of the bottle about a week ago. So far my fish is still living, so that is good news. Unfortunately, my grass isn't growing very well. I think it has something to do with my sponge inside of the cap. I don't think it is getting enough water up into the soil. I checked on my Bottle today and noticed that some more of my grass had grown since yesterday, so that's good news. I will check my data all week to see if my Bottle will improve.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nature Trail Blog

I wasn't There when you all went on the nature trail walk, but I have been to the nature trail and I know the kinds of things that you might find while you are there. 1.rose bushes
3.poisen ivy
4.plenty of trees
5. a swamp
7. bees(consumer)
11.empty liquor bottles
12.dead plants

The nature trail might not seem very important to a lot of people, but if you actually stop and think about it, it is an extremely important asset to our community. The nature trail provides a way for the children in the community to get out of the house and experience nature. It also allows Teachers to help students get more involved with the environment and the community. I didn't think that the nature trail was very important at first either, until I actually went and looked at it , and saw what help I could do.

Biobottle Project

We are doing a project in class where we have to set up a biobottle. My partners and I are doing the terraqua biobottles. My biobottle will be set up in the medium light, Sierra's Bottle will be set up in full light and Mariah's bottle will be set up in the dark. In our bottles, we will set up a mock environment, sort of like a false habitat that will show us what a real habitat looks like and how it survives. We will be testing how different things effect our biobottles and we will record the data weekly. We will even record the changes in temperature.

Monday, October 5, 2009

climate issues

Today I read a couple of articles from a website. They were concerned with climate changes and environmental damages caused by pollution and neglect, mostly caused by us. The people who organized the webpage believed that the issues with our climate have to mainly do with global warming and greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases are pretty much caused by pollution in the air, which can be caused by fossil fuels, while the global warming issues are believed to have something to do with a rise in CO2 levels.